Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Fridays to Mondays and Back Again

Hello Everyone,

Just an overview of my Friday to Monday Tin Man Activities.

Mondays is Beautiful when thinking of Fridays.

Fridays should be beautiful if it wasn't for my
Tin Man and the Gingerbread Cookie Blues.

Now Wednesdays is sure to arrive.

And, hopefully we will all have a good but Wild Wild West Friday.

Mondays Child is Fair of Face

Circle of Life in a Computer's Life

According to Jim Warholic

Remember When It Was The Simple Life?

By Jim

PS If you're having the Tuesday or Thursday Internet doldrums, remember also that Saturday and Sunday will surely arrive.

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The Russians Are Coming

No, the Russians are not really coming.

Map Pinpointing Russia Spammer
I just got email notification that a group of spam related websites are posting a bunch of links on comment areas of various blogs. After tracking down the IP address, using a free Statcounter, I was able to see they are posting it from the Russia Federation.

To control it on some of the blogs, I turned on comment moderation. With email verification and comment moderation, a person can control this type of behavior. If you really want some immediate notification, consider sending an automatic message using Gmail Email services to your cell phone or pager whenever someone posts a comment.

I guess we all have to do our part along with Jim West to combat what goes on in the Wild Wild West of the Internet.
